Γράμμα του Ταράσιου Ζαντορόζνι από τις φυλακές Κορυδαλλού.
Εγκλωβισμένος πίσω από τα κάγκελα και το τσιμέντο μετά από εξίμισι (6,5) μήνες ομηρίας μου στις δικαστικές φυλακές Κορυδαλλού διαπιστώνω ότι κατάφεραν να εγκλωβίσουν μόνο το σώμα μου. Οτιδήποτε άλλο αληθινό και ελεύθερο, έχω καταφέρει να το διατηρήσω αλώβητο. Βρέθηκα σε θέση ομηρίας από το κράτος, γιατί αποφάσισα να συμμετέχω σε μια πορεία διαμαρτυρίας, γιατί το σύστημα έψαχνε να βρει εξιλαστήρια θύματα για να προβάλλει την εικόνα του ελέγχου και της απονομής δικαιοσύνης. Η σήψη του συστήματος φάνηκε σε όλο το μεγαλείο της αφού στην αρχή υπήρχαν ανακρίβειες και ανακολουθίες στις καταθέσεις των μπάτσων που στην συνέχεια αναγκάστηκαν να τροποποιήσουν όταν πήγανε στην ανακρίτρια. Βέβαια αυτές οι αλλαγές σε συνδυασμό με άλλες προφάσεις που προέβαλε η ανακρίτρια ως στόχο δεν είχαν άλλο παρά να χρονοτριβήσουν την υπόθεση μου έτσι ώστε να επηρεαστεί η απόφαση του εξάμηνου συμβουλίου και να αποφασιστεί η περαιτέρω προφυλάκιση μου. Πως θα μπορούσε άλλωστε να ευσταθεί μια απόφαση αν δε χρησιμοποιούσαν μεθόδους παραπλάνησης και διαστρέβλωσης των γεγονότων όταν δεν υπάρχουν πραγματικά στοιχεία εναντίον μου. Εγκλωβισμένος από όλες τις δυνατές επιλογές, οδηγούμενος σε αδιέξοδο, έχοντας απηυδήσει από της συνεχιζόμενη αδικία που γίνεται σε βάρος μου, συνεχίζω τον αγώνα μου με ότι μέσο μου έχει απομείνει. Εάν νομίζουν ότι φυλακίζοντας με, έχουν καθυποτάξει το πάθος μου για ελευθερία είναι γελασμένοι. Σε μια απόπειρα να οξύνω τις αντιφάσεις αυτού του παρηκμασμένου συστήματος και να αναδείξω τον ολοκληρωτικό του χαρακτήρα θα σταματήσω να τους δίνω το δικαίωμα να ορίζουν αυτοί το σώμα μου. Αφού είναι το μοναδικό πράγμα που έχουν στα χέρια τους θα το μετατρέψω σε μορφή αγώνα εναντίον τους με σκοπό την απελευθέρωση μου. Έτσι προχωράω σε απεργία πείνας από την Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου και απαιτώ την άμεση και άνευ όρων απελευθέρωση μου και των συγκατηγορούμενων μου, την απόσυρση των κατηγοριών και κλείσιμο της υπόθεση μας. Δε θα τους αφήσω να χρησιμοποιούν την ελευθερία ως εργαλείο στα νομικά και πολιτικά παιχνίδια τους. Όμως ο αγώνας μου θα είναι δύσκολος και θα χρειαστεί τη συμπαράσταση και αλληλεγγύη των ανθρώπων που είναι εκτός των τειχών και ενδιαφέρονται να στηρίξουν τον αγώνα μου. Οι συνειδήσεις δεν υποτάσσονται, δε φυλακίζονται, δε καθοδηγούνται.
Ταράσιος Ζαντορόζνι Γ΄ πτέρυγα Δ.Φ. Κορυδαλλού.
Γράμμα του Γεράσιμου Κυριακόπουλου
Είμαι ο Γεράσιμος Κυριακόπουλος. Βρίσκομαι προφυλακισμένος στις Φυλακές Κορυδαλλού, κατηγορούμενος για τα επεισόδια της 6ης Μάη του 4ου Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού Φόρουμ. Λίγα πράγματα για την υπόθεση μου έχουν ως εξής: Το απόγευμα της 61ς Μάη στο Θησείο, όπου δεν έγινε κανένα επεισόδιο, έξι αστυνομικοί της ομάδας Μ.Α.Τ. έκαναν έξι τυφλές και αναιτιολόγητες συλλήψεις, μία από τις οποίες ήταν η δική μου. Αφού με συνέλαβαν χωρίς να έχω δώσει κάποιο δικαίωμα,πίστεψα ότι κάνανε απλές προσαγωγές υπόπτων, γνωρίζοντας την κατάσταση που είχε δημιουργηθεί εκείνη την ημέρα. Όμως, όπως καταλαβαίνετε, γράφοντας σας αυτό το γράμμα, τελικά τα πράγματα δεν ήταν έτσι. Έτσι, αργότερα, πηγαίνοντας με στη Γ.Α.Δ.Α., χωρίς κανένα στοιχείο, χωρίς καμία απόδειξη, οι αστυνομικοί μου έδωσαν ένα χαρτί να υπογράψω, το οποίο είχε ένα βουνό κατηγορίες. Βέβαια, οι αστυνομικοί για να στηρίξουν τις κατηγορίες αναφέρουν στα έξι πανομοιότυπα κατηγορητήρια τους ότι οι συλλήψεις δεν έγιναν στο Θησείο, αλλά στην Πλατεία Μοναστηρακίου, όπου έγιναν επεισόδια, παρουσιάζοντας μας σα μια ομάδα που τους επιτέθηκε. Έτσι χωρίς κανένα αληθινό στοιχείο, πηγαίνοντας αργότερα στην ανακριτική διαδικασία, μου αποδόθηκαν σοβαρές κατηγορίες όπως απόπειρες ανθρωποκτονίας και προμήθεια και κατοχή 50 εκρηκτικών βομβών κοι χωρίς να είμαι ύποπτος φυγής ή να έχω παρελθόν σε τέτοιες παρόμοιες καταστάσεις (πώς άλλωστε;),διατάχτηκε η προφυλάκιση μου. Έτσι βρίσκομαι χωρίς κανένα αληθινό στοιχείο προφυλακισμένος στις Φυλακές κορυδαλλού,αντιμετωπίζοντας σοβαρές κατηγορίες. Στη συνέχεια, οι αιτήσεις αποφυλάκισης που έκανα απορρίφθηκαν συνεχίζοντας την κράτηση μου στις φυλακές χωρίς κανένα αληθινό στοιχείο. Έτσι προβληματίζομαι και αναρωτιέμαι πώς μπορώ εγώ, ένας απλός άνθρωπος, να αποδείξω -μη έχοντας καμία απόδειξη παρά μόνο το λόγο μου για αυτά που βίωσα- το αντίθετο απέναντι σε έξιαναληθείς κατηγορίες αστυνομικών. Μάλλον δεν μπορώ. Έτσι,ευρισκόμενος σε απόγνωση και μη έχοντας άλλο τρόπο να αντεπεξέλθω απέναντι σε όλες αυτές τις αναληθείς κατηγορίες που μου απέδωσαν και γνωρίζοντας -παρά τα σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας που έχω (όπως ρήξη νεφρού και ρήξη σπλήνας)- ότι αυτό που θα κάνω μπορεί να μου στοιχίσει τη ζωή μου, ξεκινάω απεργία πείνας διαμαρτυρόμενος για τις αναληθείς κατηγορίες τις οποίες μου απέδωσαν και ζητώντας την άμεση αποφυλάκιση μου μέχρι να εκδικαστεί η υπόθεση μου.
Γεράσιμος Κυριακόπουλος
2 out of 3 May6's detainees on a hunger strike
2 of the 3 detainees, accused for the May 6 riots during the social forum's march, are on hunger strike. Tarasios Zadorozni since November 29 and Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos since December 7. All their appeals where rejected, and they are demanding for their release. Tarasios demands the unconditional release of his codefendants, the withdrawl of categories and ceasing of their case.
A translation of their letters on their hunger strike in english:
GERASIMOS KYRIAKOPOULOS ON HUNGER STRIKE (since December 7) My name is Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos. I am detained in the Prisons of Korydallos, accused for the episodes of May 6 during the 4th European Social Forum. A few things for my affair have as follows: The afternoon of May 6 in the Thiseio area, where there were no riots, six police officers of M.A.T. squad made six blind and unjustified arrests, one from which was my own. Once being arrested with no obvious reason, I thought they were just doing some simple suspect presentations, aware of the situation created that day. However, as you understand, as I am writing to you this letter, finally the things were not like that at all. Thus, later, taking me to the G.A.D.A. police building, with no evidence, without any proof, the police officers passed me a paper to sign, with an awful lot of accusations. Of course, the police in order to support theese accusations have testified in their six similar reports that the arrestations did not take part in the Thiseio area, but in the Monastiraki square, where there indeed were riots, presenting us as a team that attacked them. Thus without any genuine clue, taking us later on to the interrogative process, they attributed to me some severe accusations as homicide attemptings and also supply and possession of 50 explosive bombs and without being suspect of escape or having a background in such similar situations (how coud I, anyway?) they ordered my detaintion. Thus I find myself detained in the Korydallos Prisons, without any ecidence, facing severe accusations. Continuously, all appeals I submitted were rejected extending my imprisonment without any genuine evidence. Thus I am puzzled and I wonder how could I ever, being simply one person, prove - having no proof but my words for what I have lived - the opposite towards six untruth accusations made by the police. I think I can not. So, being desperated and having no other way to stand up to all these theese untruth accusations that they attributed to me, and also aware - despite the serious health problems I face (as rupture of kidney and rupture of spleen) - of the fact that what I am going to do may cost my life, I will go on a hunger strike protesting against the false accusations they attributed to me, and also demanding to be set free directly until my case's trial.
Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos
TARASIOS ZADOROZNI ON HUNGER STRIKE (since November 29) Imprisoned behind the bars and cement walls, after six and a half months of captivity, in the juridicial prisons of Korydallos, I come to realise that all they can do is to emprison my body. Everything else that is genuine and free, I have succeeded to maintain intact. I am found in place of captivity to the state, because I decided to participate in a march of protest, because the system searched to find expiatory victims in order to promote the spectacle of control and justice. The system's decay was obvious in all its greatness since all previously existing inaccuracies and inconherences in the cops' statements were later on extinct when forced to modify before taking them to the interrogator. Of course these changes in combination with other excuses that offered the interrogator as objective had no other than to take back my case so as to influence the six-monthly council on its decision and to decided my further detaintion. How indeed could this decision be valid whether they did n't use methods of manipulation and distortion of the clues, since there is no real case against me. Excluded from all the possible choices, led to a no-way out rout, disgusted with continuing unfairness against me, I continue my struggle with all means i have left. If they believe that putting me to jail, can extinguish my passion for freedom they are laughed. In a attempt to accentuate the contradictions of this decadent system and to show its totalitarian character I will stop giving them the right to rule my body. Since it is the unique thing that they keep in their hands I will turn it in a form of struggle against them, aiming at my release. Thus I go on a hunger strike from Wednesday 29th of November and demand my direct and unconditional release of me and my codefendants, the withdrawl of categories and ceasing of our case. I will not leave them use freedom as a tool in their legal and political games. However my fight will be hard and it will need the support and solidarity of persons out there who interest to support my struggle. Consciences are not ruled, nor jailed, nor guided.
Tarasios Zadorozni, "Γ" wing Juridicial Prisons of Korydallos
For more info: http://www.geocities.com/may6solidarity - http://athens.indymedia.org/
A translation of their letters on their hunger strike in english:
GERASIMOS KYRIAKOPOULOS ON HUNGER STRIKE (since December 7) My name is Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos. I am detained in the Prisons of Korydallos, accused for the episodes of May 6 during the 4th European Social Forum. A few things for my affair have as follows: The afternoon of May 6 in the Thiseio area, where there were no riots, six police officers of M.A.T. squad made six blind and unjustified arrests, one from which was my own. Once being arrested with no obvious reason, I thought they were just doing some simple suspect presentations, aware of the situation created that day. However, as you understand, as I am writing to you this letter, finally the things were not like that at all. Thus, later, taking me to the G.A.D.A. police building, with no evidence, without any proof, the police officers passed me a paper to sign, with an awful lot of accusations. Of course, the police in order to support theese accusations have testified in their six similar reports that the arrestations did not take part in the Thiseio area, but in the Monastiraki square, where there indeed were riots, presenting us as a team that attacked them. Thus without any genuine clue, taking us later on to the interrogative process, they attributed to me some severe accusations as homicide attemptings and also supply and possession of 50 explosive bombs and without being suspect of escape or having a background in such similar situations (how coud I, anyway?) they ordered my detaintion. Thus I find myself detained in the Korydallos Prisons, without any ecidence, facing severe accusations. Continuously, all appeals I submitted were rejected extending my imprisonment without any genuine evidence. Thus I am puzzled and I wonder how could I ever, being simply one person, prove - having no proof but my words for what I have lived - the opposite towards six untruth accusations made by the police. I think I can not. So, being desperated and having no other way to stand up to all these theese untruth accusations that they attributed to me, and also aware - despite the serious health problems I face (as rupture of kidney and rupture of spleen) - of the fact that what I am going to do may cost my life, I will go on a hunger strike protesting against the false accusations they attributed to me, and also demanding to be set free directly until my case's trial.
Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos
TARASIOS ZADOROZNI ON HUNGER STRIKE (since November 29) Imprisoned behind the bars and cement walls, after six and a half months of captivity, in the juridicial prisons of Korydallos, I come to realise that all they can do is to emprison my body. Everything else that is genuine and free, I have succeeded to maintain intact. I am found in place of captivity to the state, because I decided to participate in a march of protest, because the system searched to find expiatory victims in order to promote the spectacle of control and justice. The system's decay was obvious in all its greatness since all previously existing inaccuracies and inconherences in the cops' statements were later on extinct when forced to modify before taking them to the interrogator. Of course these changes in combination with other excuses that offered the interrogator as objective had no other than to take back my case so as to influence the six-monthly council on its decision and to decided my further detaintion. How indeed could this decision be valid whether they did n't use methods of manipulation and distortion of the clues, since there is no real case against me. Excluded from all the possible choices, led to a no-way out rout, disgusted with continuing unfairness against me, I continue my struggle with all means i have left. If they believe that putting me to jail, can extinguish my passion for freedom they are laughed. In a attempt to accentuate the contradictions of this decadent system and to show its totalitarian character I will stop giving them the right to rule my body. Since it is the unique thing that they keep in their hands I will turn it in a form of struggle against them, aiming at my release. Thus I go on a hunger strike from Wednesday 29th of November and demand my direct and unconditional release of me and my codefendants, the withdrawl of categories and ceasing of our case. I will not leave them use freedom as a tool in their legal and political games. However my fight will be hard and it will need the support and solidarity of persons out there who interest to support my struggle. Consciences are not ruled, nor jailed, nor guided.
Tarasios Zadorozni, "Γ" wing Juridicial Prisons of Korydallos
For more info: http://www.geocities.com/may6solidarity - http://athens.indymedia.org/
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